With advancements in modern technology, hearing aids are much more sophisticated, smarter and also smaller than the hearing solutions of the past.
The most prominent different between todays hearing aids and older technology is the size .. they've gotten a lot smaller. The hearing aids you can choose from are also made to be worn continuously, either behind-the-ear (BTE) or in-the-ear (ITE). Some are so small, they're almost invisible!
Despite the small size, today's hearing aids are very smart. They all feature a microphone, microchip, amplifier, battery and a receiver – all in a tiny package!
Some new hearing aids feature algorithms that are clinically proven to deliver better than normal hearing, allowing you to understand family and friends even in the most crowded of environments. They can also connect to your smartphone so you can personalise preferences on the go. Some can even help relieve Tinnitus.
At Auditorey.com we want you to experience these amazing technologies first hand.
Sign up here to learn more about locations, free hearing tests and all the options — 100% FREE of charge and without any obligations.